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Sometimes a Centralized System Is Better – Mathias Sundin, Member of Swedish Parliament

There is a need to experiment with decentralized solutions in all industries and see where they can be used, believes Mathias Sundin, Member of Swedish Parliament in the Tax Committee and the Finance Committee. In the interview, the expert talked about blockchain regulations, shared challenges of providing crypto services and evaluated Sweden’s DLT sphere. Interviewer: Blockchain…

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IPFS Being Used by Canada’s National Research Council

On August 20th, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) announced that they have started using the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to create their own blockchain explorer. The explorer is developed by Bitaccess, the self-branded "Canada's Blockchain Company", and is designed to store, share, and provide access to grant and contribution data to the general public…

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Automotive Sector May Be First To See Widespread Blockchain Implementation

The automotive industry has always embraced innovation and efficiency, and key players in the field have begun taking steps to use distributed ledgers in a variety of applications. These moves will place blockchain technology at the forefront of one of the world’s most significant business sectors, and revolutionize how people, and goods, are moved. They…

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Security One of the Most Sought-After Benefits from Blockchains

This news piece contains two stories from different sides from the world, which are interestingly connected. They both cover security and this shows how a lot of potential is seen in blockchain technology to enable increasing levels of said security. Chinese information technology ministry prioritizes blockchains China will have its own technology laboratory dedicated to blockchain research,…

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