Bitcoin markets sure are hyperactive today, with trading volumes being close to historic highs. Yet somehow, selling pressure seems to once again be gaining ground. Bitcoin prices touched the bottom of $945 today and BTC/USD markets seems to be heavily affected by the volatility following the peak above $980.
Major Signals Bitcoin’s price sure seems…
Bitcoin’s price has only kept rising every since yesterday’s trading session. This historic price rise is achieved throughout what seems to be one of the days with the highest trading volumes achieved in bitcoin markets since its inception.
Major Signals Futures are flirting with all time highs as they peaked just 5 USD away from…
Bitcoin markets are back to rallying once again. With substantially large buy orders being the leading force in the preceding trading session, BTC/USD markets are certainly in for another rally.
Major Signals Buying pressure in the last few hours has managed to push the price close to $950, smashing any subsequent resistance.
A few…
Traders can’t seem to stand by any significant downward pattern as any market downturn for BTC/USD rates till now has been reversed. Although trading volumes are still much higher than the averages, they’ve kept declining ever since the top of $920 was reached. Yet, BTC/USD markets peaked at this level once again.
Major Signals Trading…
Bitcoin markets appear to be in decline ever since the peak of $920 was reached on December 24. While trading volumes also keep going down, they’re still highly above average. However, selling pressure has kept pushing the price down further ever since the preceding trading session.
Major Signals Trading volumes didn’t go down enough to…
The momentum of the price rise in BTC/USD markets seems to have started being affected by affected by post resistance breakthrough volatility. Prices dropped below $900 but buying pressure keeps helping the price recover above this level.
Major Signals Bitfinex BTC/USD peaked above $920, a price level that was quickly breached by profit taking and…
Bitcoin’s price seems to have quickly and completely shaken off the negativity preceding the latest trading sessions. As trading volumes are reaching historic highs, the selling pressure that was plaguing the market seems to have been significantly outnumbered.
Major Signals Support levels for levels more closer to $900 has not formed yet as the price…
Bitcoin markets are currently going crazy as an ongoing bull run is pushing BTC/USD rates to new highs, prices that hadn’t been reached since 2013’s bubble.
Major Signals Back to back sell order kept smashing selling pressure and broke through resistance, pushing the price to levels even higher than $800.
The market’s sentiment is…
BTC/USD markets seem to be going through a period lead by volatility, as the recent break through resistance at $790 levels would lead one to expect. Yet, the recent patterns indicate that the outlook isn’t particularly grim as new highs are being reached after the breakthrough. All this amid growing resistance.
Major Signals Resistance above…
In spite of the break through resistance, selling pressure hasn’t managed to push BTC/USD rates much lower than $790 levels. Volatility was to be expected but as surprising as it might sound, the price hasn’t dropped below $787 after the spike the pushed bitcoin’s price above $790.
Major Signals Selling pressure in BTC/USD markets keeps…