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Failed Exchange QuadrigaCX Claims $190 Million Lost Amid Speculation of Foul Play

A series of increasingly curious events continue to unfold around QuadrigaCX, Canada’s largest cryptocurrency exchange. The service has closed, claiming to have lost access to most of its funds. However, analysts have uncovered what may be transfers of the so-called inaccessible cryptocurrencies, as well as evidence of accounting inconsistencies surrounding the exchange’s handling of its…

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Banks Continue To Send Mixed Signals Over Crypto Adoption

Cryptocurrency advocates have long held that blockchain assets will revolutionize the banking industry, as crypto wallets will replace traditional bank accounts, and banks will no longer be needed to facilitate most financial transactions. For their part, banks have been cautiously supportive of blockchain’s potential, yet at the same time critical of decentralized cryptocurrencies. With crypto…

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Security Tokens Set To Become Major Assets Within The Crypto Space

Over the past several months a number of developments have emerged that enable blockchain technology to be used in the purchase, management, and trading of traditional assets. Blockchain-based security tokens will enable stocks, bonds, or other financial products to be linked to immutable distributed ledgers. Much like stablecoins, which are backed by fiat currency, security…

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