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US IRS to Implement Third Party Reporting System on Centralized Exchanges

United States citizens who buy and sell digital assets will have their transactions screened by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) starting this year. 

The new development follows the IRS’s initiative to create a third-party reporting system for crypto transactions conducted on centralized exchanges in the US. 

Centralized exchanges like Coinbase and Gemini will send transaction details of their users to the IRS for screening for the first time in the industry. 

This ensures an efficient regulation of the industry by the IRS for Tax purposes. 

The 1099- DA 

The initiative by the IRS is to be carried out by brokers in the digital assets industry. 

These Brokers according to the IRS include operators of custodial digital asset trading platforms, certain digital asset-hosted wallet providers, digital asset kiosks, and certain processors of digital asset payments (PDAPs).

The brokers named above will maintain a record of a user’s Digital assets purchases and sales for a year and report them to a form named the 1099-DA. 

At the end of the year, the completed form would be sent to the user, and the IRS. 

Information shared by the brokers excludes Cost basis which reveals the amount of crypto purchases or sales till 2026. 

Transactions on Decentralized Exchanges 

According to the IRS Website, the development does not affect users who don’t patronize Centralized exchanges. Users who trade in Decentralized crypto exchanges and maintain full custody of their funds are not affected by the initiative until 2027. 

Third-party reporting to the IRS will not be mandated for this crop of users till 2027 when the decentralized platforms will start reporting the gross proceeds of their users. 

Like in centralized exchanges, the third-party reporting excludes cost basis which reveals transaction amounts. 

A Minor Win for DEX? 

The development by the IRS touches on the ongoing debate on decentralization in the crypto community. 

The phrase “ Not your Keys, Not your Funds” is increasingly touted by fans of decentralized exchanges who believe that Centralized exchanges do not fully tally with the idea of Web 3. 

Centralized exchanges have been mandated to send third-party reports to the IRS buttressing the narrative that funds kept in a centralized exchange are not really owned by the holders who lack total control of the assets. 

On the flip side, the IRS’s direct involvement in the crypto industry will help curb the menace of bad actors in the sector. 

New Initiative All about Compliance 

Legible CEO Kell Canty explained the real motive behind the Third-party reporting initiative launched by the IRS. 

Speaking to CNN Canty explained that the initiative is geared towards compliance and not an increase in taxes. 

Third-party reporting requirements do not represent a new tax on digital asset investors. They represent a new tax compliance mechanism to help ensure you pay what tax you owe, Canty said. 

The US treasury last month commented on the initiative stating that it serves as a reminder to users that crypto transactions are taxable and under the purview of the IRS. 

The IRS is the chief agency overseeing Tax returns from Individuals and corporate entities on behalf of the government.