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Cryptex markets

Cryptex markets is an options based crypto exchange providing a social trading functionality to institutional and retail level investors.

The platform is based on an end to end encrypted highly secure trading portal with access to Crypto, Forex, Stock, Index and Commodity options.

The next step for Cryptex is the issue of the token that is an asset backing formula for the exchange, for certain level account holders an airdrop is expected to provide a 1 token per $10 held in the exchange ratio.

Currently the cryptocurrency market is at an ever volatile stage in its lifetime of nearly 10 years and Cryptex Markets relies on volatility to ensure a stable profit, with ever increasing market sentiment crypto is expected to be around as a long term form of digital gold.

Cryptex exchange is backed by a consortium of wealthy investors and early adopters of Bitcoin providing a liquidity pool for all options contracts placed within the platform.

A timeline is expected to be issued to the company website within the next 14 days detailing the plan moving forwards to gain a larger community.

Finally we expect to be releasing further news about the platform ICO launch in the upcoming weeks.

We are now focused heavily on developing our social trading user interface to enable a more transparent portal whereby each individual can see the trading history of any parent account holder, this means you can follow the strategy and see the exact same returns and win ratio as the trader controlling the parent account, this is a common feature in other trading platforms however has not yet been implemented in such a fashion on a mass scale basis by many other exchanges similar to cryptex.

Compliance and AML is a key focus of our team to ensure that all regulatory requirements and expectations are met to the highest standard and in line with the KYC policy of other major financial institutions.

With market sentiment taking a turn into the red towards the start of the year many new investors have been looking for a way to cover the amount of losses seen holding into BTC and Alt coins by using the trade option to make profit even in the downward direction, the system is based on predicting the direction of the trade rather than holding coins directly.

We will be working closely with press sources such as the team at Crypto-news to ensure that all of the current account holders of the platform are kept fully up to date on any developments with the projects that we have.

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