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Free bitcoins

How to get Bitcoin for free

The value of Bitcoin is constantly fluctuating, and as of late, the value of a single Bitcoin is around $600. Bitcoin, given the risks associated with cryptocurrencies, has kindled the curiosity of an ever-growing community. Hence, the desire for free Bitcoin is high these days. Free Bitcoin methods offer existing or new Bitcoin users to receive small amounts of the currency for testing or even accumulation purposes. The amounts are small, usually less than a penny in equivalent worth. However, consistent users can build up their earnings and user them to increase the amount.  Here are some of the top 5 ways in which you can get free bitcoins:
1.  Bitcoin websites
Many Bitcoin websites like Bitcoin Reward and BitVisitor give away free Satoshis (one-hundred-millionth of a Bitcoin) to users for just visiting their website, clicking on a few advertisements, taking part in surveys, or playing some games. It is as easy as that. The amount that you get from this may be on the order of 10,000 Satoshis, or 0.0001 Bitcoin.  You can browse the internet for free bitcoins related website to get a list of safe sites. Always use caution by checking the reviews of these sites first before entering in any of your credentials.
2.    Gambling
If you want to collect a reasonable number of free Bitcoins, you can visit some of the gambling websites like Crypto-Games and Primedice. In these sites, you can receive free coins via the faucets on the websites. Some gambling sites offer faucets over 10,000 Satoshis. The best thing about these sites is that you can withdraw the coins you earn for free into your personal wallet external to the site.
3.    Reading sites
How about earning some free Bitcoin for doing something you enjoy – reading. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? This concept is exactly what Paidbooks.com does! They have a huge collection of classic books and you will get a small number of coins as you read them. This is considered to be one of the better alternatives for earning Bitcoin rather than clicking on surveys and ads.
4.    Android Games
Bitcoins can earned by playing games on your smartphone as well. Coin Flapper, one of the games on Android platforms, is a prime example. You get close to 0.000006 BTC when you win a game and you are eligible to play 200 games per day!
5.    Bitcoin Faucets
Faucets are nothing but giveaways. A genuine Bitcoin faucet is a site that guarantees a fixed amount of payment at regular intervals without requiring the users to click on frustrating advertisements. These faucets pay close to 0.0001 BTC; that is 10,000 Satoshis, for every 5 minutes. Some genuine and reputable Bitcoin faucets are FreeBit.co.in and Crococoin.

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By Kewl

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