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Crypto-News.Net is going through some changes, and we want to make them with you.

Disclaimer: This is an update from the editorial team to our readers. In our efforts to generate a vocal community we are going to need help. This is where you, a potentially loyal reader of come in the picture. This article will take you 5 minutes to read and your participation will influence the content you see on this website in the future. 

Thank you for being a loyal reader of I’m sure that you’ve noticed some changes to our website. We’ve recently activated Google Adsense as a way to monetize our website and increase resources for our efforts to provide you with regular news updates about happenings in crypto and blockchain.

The main changes are in the way we publish news. In the past, we have been late to publish news and keep our finger on the crypto pulse, but we are dedicated to improving our publication’s relevancy and overcome these challenges. We will have gaps in our publication schedule, as is the case at the time of writing. Nonetheless, when we publish news it will always be related to a relevant issue that is happening in cryptocurrency and blockchain right now.

Sponsored posts are also updated to full-width articles (just like this one). They will be presented on the featured panel until we publish 5 news articles. Afterward, they will only be discoverable under the box ad in the sidebar when reading news articles and in a section on the homepage dedicated to sponsored posts.

These changes will ensure that you have no difficulty identifying sponsored articles on our platform and will represent a constant reminder to always be vigilant and do your own research. I personally care about selecting the right sponsors to share with our community and establish long-term relationships with genuine businesses that will not damage our readers.

High-risk and potentially fraudulent products may end up being sponsored if they fall through the cracks. We have to give people reaching out to us some benefit of the doubt, but will use extreme prejudice to ensure that we have a strong filter for good sponsors. Should any readers feel that sponsors are indeed malicious, please reach out to us via email or on Twitter.

These reports will be taken seriously, an internal investigation will be launched and the sponsored content will be taken down temporarily while we evaluate the allegations.

We will continue to optimize the website for better reading experience and establish as a small, yet relevant publication in the cryptocurrency industry.

On a side note, we assume that the website is facing some issues with bot traffic, as we are getting a lot of requests to pages that shouldn’t be requested often. As a result, it’s difficult for us to trust the data that we get from Google and our hosting provider.

Our limited resources are preventing us from taking swift and effective action, but rest assured that we are working on improving the website, content, and value for you, our readers, and our sponsors alike.

Help us, and help yourself in one minute.

You are curious to know what is happening in crypto and blockchain, of that we are certain. However, our industry is growing rapidly and we also must grow. As a small news publisher, we do not have the vast resources that CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, CryptoBriefing, and other top-level publications have.

Until now, we relied on the general sentiment of the cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystem to identify the topics we want to focus on, but I hope that with your help, this can change. Instead of general coverage, we would like to focus on the topics and issues that are important for you.

Respond to this Twitter post embedded below. Tell me what you really care about, and as a result, you will see more of that type of news on this platform.

Thank you for reading this short update. My hope is to spark a discussion here in the comments or on Twitter, but either way, I am very glad to have you as a loyal reader.

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