Telegram has been making headlines for quite some time now. The instant messaging app developed by the Durov brothers, Pavel and Nikolai, has built a deep connection to the cryptocurrency universe and has become a favorite messaging app for many in the industry. Its connection to the crypto community was made even deeper when they…
While, officially, Bitcoin continues to be illegal in Russia, President Vladimir Putin embraced blockchain technology in 2017 after a famous meeting with Ethereum designer Vitalik Buterin. Last summer we heard rumors of a Crypto-Ruble but no details. Today we have some more details but there are still a ton of questions to be answered. According to…
During the last couple of years, Russia’s attitude towards Bitcoin and other digital currencies has been quite difficult to understand, given the fact that both positive and negative measures have been taken at times. However, recent reports indicate that the Russian finance ministry is hard at work on a bill that would fully legalize all…
Whoppercoin is a cryptocurrency made by Burger King which can be traded for Whoppers. Ever get tired of using retailers’ loyalty apps or punch cards? Wouldn’t you much prefer a more complicated system that incorporates tech-buzzwords and hype? Why not try using a cryptocurrency loyalty program instead? That’s the bold vision behind Whoppercoin, Burger King Russia’s new…
Volatility has become the norm among cryptocurrencies, with prices fluctuating significantly over the last few months. More recently, a different form of volatility has emerged. A number of influential nations have been issuing vague and often contradictory statements regarding crypto regulation. Not surprisingly, these actions have caused confusion, and have sparked dramatic swings in valuations.…
The Moscow Stock Exchange has announced that it is developing a platform to enable cryptocurrency trading. In a press conference, exchange representatives stated that people will be able to purchase cryptos, and also invest in a variety of crypto based financial instruments such as exchange traded funds (ETF) and derivatives. The Moscow Stock Exchange is…
Crypto advocates have long asserted that freedom from government control and manipulation is a key advantage of cryptocurrencies and their underlying blockchain technology. It was, in fact, the lack of control that prompted several nations to adopt anti-crypto positions in past years. More recently however, governments around the globe have begun to embrace cryptocurrencies and…
During the past few years, the popularity of digital currencies has grown exponentially. Bitcoin can be considered as a perfect example to prove the above mentioned fact. The value of Bitcoin overtook the value of Gold at the beginning of this year. The price hike of this digital currency continues along with time and we…
The Russian Government believes the Bitcoin currency and other virtual currencies no longer pose a threat to the country’s financial system. This was the announcement made Deputy Chairwoman Olga Skorobogatov of the Bank of Russia (Central Bank) and the country’s Federal Monitoring Service. According to a report from TASS news agency, Deputy Minister Alexei Moiseev said…