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In this part of the guide, you can learn more about everything that’s got to do with the first digital currency, Bitcoin.

What is Bitcoin?

Before getting to understand what all the fuss is about, you need to understand some basics when thinking and talking about Bitcoin. There are a lot of misconceptions, which is normal considering the rapid growth of this currency. Simply by being here, you are qualifying yourself as a person that’s willing to learn more about Bitcoin and how it works.

Satoshi Nakamoto

The creator of Bitcoin. Not much is known about this mysterious figure, but there have been speculations about the nature of his true identity. Here you can discover the information regarding this elusive person which has evaded discovery even though his child has grown popular over the years.

Pros and Cons for Bitcoin

While it’s easy to be either for or against Bitcoin it’s important to take a sensible approach with logical reasoning when thinking about acquiring Bitcoin. Is it really for you, and will it help you accomplish your own goals? The best way to do this is to know more about the currency, it’s weak and strong points.

Bitcoin Core

This is the peer to peer software that enables the blockchain network to function properly. It collects, verifies and broadcasts information about blocks and transactions. Every computer around the world running this software is hosting a full copy of the distributed ledger and is considered a full node. This software also functions as a Bitcoin wallet for you.

Storing Bitcoin

While you may think that Bitcoin is for you, let us stop you for a moment. Owning Bitcoin is different than traditional (fiat) currencies. Bitcoin as a currency is incredibly secure when it comes down to getting the money to specific wallets, but as an individual, you can easily compromise the security of your wallet. Read this article to add more to your information arsenal and learn how to protect both your wallet and Bitcoin.

Choosing the right wallet 

In order to hold and utilize the full potential of Bitcoin, you’re going to need a wallet. They are unique pieces of software created for the sole purpose of holding and facilitating Bitcoin transactions. They will allow you to sign up with many Bitcoin-related services that ask for your Bitcoin Address.

We’ve prepared a small article that details most of the options available to you as an individual. Here you can find out more about the wallet possibilities that you have for mobile, desktop and even hardware wallets.

It’s important to pay attention to a few security pointers and you should always opt-in for two-factor authentication like we’ve mentioned in the previous article of this guide.

Buying Bitcoin

In this article, we talk about the different options you have, that you can utilize to purchase Bitcoin through. Credit Cards, Cash Trades.Depending on where you are in the world, different purchase methods are available for you. We are here to help by supplying you with relevant information in order for you to make the right decision.

Furthermore, we name a few of the exchanges and the regions they operate in. Practice due diligence and strongly consider researching currency exchanges, as well as their policies and process before you deposit any Bitcoin or Cash with them.

Bitcoin Forums

Just like many other communities, Bitcoin holders utilize a forum in order to communicate in an organized and efficient manner. Unlike other interest groups, Bitcoin’s community is incredibly active and constantly generates engaging conversations. Everybody is invited to join in on the discussion, so don’t hold back. Read this article to learn more and create an account with a forum of your choosing. It is considered one of the best ways to learn about Bitcoin since the community is very active.

Bitcoin Legality

Do you want to use Bitcoin for your business? Maybe you’re just wondering about the legal status of Bitcoin in your country. Bitcoin is a new type of asset in the world, so the financial market place has yet to fully acclimate to its existence. Most countries have unclear guidelines. to the financial marketplace it does not have a legal status in many different countries. Here you can find the available information about the legality of Bitcoin in countries that have established a stance or laws about it.

Bitcoin History

Whether you like it or not, history is important. Here at we highly value the lessons that we can learn by analyzing events in the past, so we’ve created a list that compiles the most important events in Bitcoin History. These events created the cultural values and stories of the Bitcoin community, so it’s kind of important to know them.

Early beginning 

How did it all begin? Was Bitcoin a sure thing from the start or did it eventually reach this status by other means? This article takes a look at years 2008 and 2009 for the most important events that took place, including the creation of the first ever Bitcoin transaction as well as the first exchange rate for Bitcoin.

2010 to 2013

As time passes by, Bitcoin grows in popularity. With this the number of influential events increases. Some funny things happened, like the first ever Bitcoin pizza purchase, and some not so interesting events transpire as well, as exchanges are faced with the brutal reality of hacking attacks.

2014 to 2016

Exchanges learn and adapt to face the challenges of online hacker brutality. This period shows less and less successful hacking attempts and a resolution for many unanswered questions. All in all, a great period for Bitcoin with more and more vendors starting to accept this currency as a payment for their products and services.

This section will be updated on a regular yearly basis, as a recap of the most important events that transpired across the Bitcoin ecosystem every year.

2016 to 2020 (In progress)

Should you invest in Bitcoin?

By now you should know enough about Bitcoin, what it is, how it works and how to safely store it. All of this information should be clear to you before making an investment into Bitcoin, so that you can have realistic expectations about this currency and what it’s potential is. We dedicate this article to work out the last remaining questions that will enable you to know if a Bitcoin investment is the right choice for you.

Free Bitcoin

In the Bitcoin community, giving away is a natural thing to do. The first-hand experience is one of the best ways to learn what Bitcoin is and how to use it. In the ecosystem, there are websites that give away small amounts of Bitcoin in exchange for witnessing advertisements on their websites. These sites are called “faucets” which are imagined to drip small water droplets, or in this case Bitcoin. Many people in the Bitcoin ecosystem look down on faucets, but it really is the best way to get a free hands-on experience with Bitcoin.

Continue Learning (go back)

Our guide is always improving and this page is relating to information about Bitcoin as a currency. If you want to learn more about Bitcoin Technology, such as Blockchain, Mining or Trading you can go back to the Bitcoin Master Guide Page and follow the topic of your own choosing.

We also encourage you to take part in our community survey which enables us to receive feedback about the information that is contained within this guide, as well as suggestions for future additions.

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